My Little Plum's First Day at School

I was very restless throughout the night with a hundred questions running in my mind, dreaming of teachers, schools, books etc. I turned and tossed on the bed yet could not sleep. The alarm went buzz and I woke up with a start to see that it was already 6.00 am in the morning. School re-opens....Yes!! for my dearest little son. He is setting his feet into the Playgroup wing. I immediately closed my eyes and offered my prayers and thank you to God for a new day and then looked at my little bundle of joy, who was sleeping next to me peacefully without any of these worries.

I was just thinking of a list of tasks I need to accomplish to make him ready to school, though the preparation had been done the previous day itself. But before that I have to complete my tasks so that I can get him ready on time. I planned to take a shower, thinking that the poor baby, in fact babies (including hubby) will get a few more minutes to sleep. The mother in me was not allowing me to disturb my son’s sleep. I saw my dearest hubby looking at me from the corner of his eyes and I happily designated the task of bathing our son to him. The innocent yet a sad ‘YES’ from him was worth watching. Finally, my rock star got ready by 8.30 am after a lot of coaxing and running around.

Both I and hubby prayed together for our son’s success as our son was setting his first foot in the wide world of knowledge. From this day starts his ‘journey of education’, exclaimed the proud father. We clicked a few photographs and took him to his grandparent’s place where his uncle and aunt and sister were waiting to accompany him to school. The best part is his cousin sister (my niece) is in the same class as his, and my little princess also starts her journey of education.

Both of them were happy looking at each other all dressed up and were ready to go to school. Both the kiddos received blessings from their grandparents. We left home and reached school on time. The school was decorated and there were a lot of parents standing outside the gate peeping in to get a view of their little ones. I could relate with each one of them, after all we all were sailing in the same boat.

I could hear some kids crying. My heart was pounding fast. I looked at my son who was admiring the decoration around him and my tension was put to rest. I handed over my son to the teacher, all the while whispering silent prayers in my heart and blessing my son to get all the happiness in this world. Tears were battling their way out through my eyes but I had to hide them to avoid embarrassment. Both my son and niece went inside their classrooms without any fuss. I could sense that my husband too was a bit upset. But was hiding it gracefully and happily clicking pictures. This was one of the best days of our lives.

No wonder they refer the kid’s first day at school as 'umbilical cord cut for the second time'!!

This memory is still fresh in my mind and will remain so, forever!!

PS: “I am sharing my #MemoriesOfMotherhood with Bio Oil and BlogAdda. This Mother’s Day check out the Yummy Mummy calendar and  make a similar calendar of your own using the Bio Oil App.
