Exam Time!

The nightmare of every mother's life is here, the dreaded 'exam time'. With the syllabus getting covered in the last minute and the teachers in a jiffy to do last-minute revisions, mommies everywhere are in a flurry of worry and anxiety. I can relate, being a mother of a "tween." The battle is ongoing and is not getting over anytime soon. This is a time when not just the students feel the pressure, but their mothers too feel the same pressure and stress. I am not making this gender-biased or favoring mothers; I am simply stating that fathers handle it with a more practical approach and are less concerned than their better halves. They, anyway, claim that their opposite gender always overthinks and are worried for nothing.

Coming back to our warriors, read mothers, they must have gone through the same ordeal during their student days, and so empathize with their children. Having said that, the will to see their children succeed is what keeps them going. To top it all, the children these days are very cool and have a 'know-it-all' attitude. This leads to bickering, nagging, and, most times, shouting that is inversely proportional to the exam dates. The closer the date, the more tense the situation, and there is a war situation going at home. Especially, in the houses where the kids are facing their boards.

 Let's now see how we can cope with this exam stress.

 Firstly, it’s important to remember that exams are not the be-all and end-all. While they are important, it’s important to keep things in perspective. A bad result in an exam does not necessarily mean your child is a failure. Remember that children need to be given their space to learn, and that they will learn more when they are not under too much pressure.

 Next, try to focus on the positives. Rather than dwelling on the negatives, celebrate the successes, no matter how small. Remind yourself of the progress your child has made since the start of the school year and the hard work they have put in. Encourage them to do better and realize their potential. This will give them the motivation to do better.

 Yet another way to help manage exam stress is to be supportive and understanding. Instead of nagging, find out if the child is having any trouble grasping the concept and try explaining it in a way the child understands. Provide the required guidance and support. 

Above all, make them feel that you are in it together. Make them a cup of hot chocolate milk or something else that brings a smile on their face. Allow frequent breaks; after all, they are not machines. Sit with them while they try to study or finish their school work, so that they don't feel isolated.

Last but not least, remember that learning is an ongoing process and needs to be done at regular intervals. Putting pressure on the child to prepare them at the last moment is only going to add to the stress. Make learning an ongoing process so that there is only last-minute revision and not completely new preparation.

Alright, after being philosophical and reassuring myself with the above pointers, I am just on my way to sit with my son and prepare him to face the exams.☺

Oh, and i also realized that i just started blogging after a very long hiatus. Writing definitely helps me declutter my wandering thoughts.


Yours truly, 

Another mom in exam stress

#examstress stress, #examfever #nightmare #distressedmom
